Projects supported by CaMPAM-ECMMAN Small Grants

Antigua and Barbuda
A multi-faceted approach to strengthening the management of NEMMA
Antigua and Barbuda's largest marine reserve, the North East Marine Management Area (NEMMA), received much needed funding to further develop management of this diverse and unique area. The project is part of a regional programme: 'Climate Resilient Eastern Caribbean Marine Managed Areas Network (ECMMAN)' that aims to improve management capacity within OECS countries for existing marine managed areas (MMAs) and strengthen abilities for establishment of additional MMAs. The EAG was successful in its proposal and bid for funding of €77,934.57 made available by the the Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Management Network (CaMPAM)-ECMMAN Small Grant Programme for the first of this two-phase, four-year project. <summary>
Developing the marine section of Cabrits National Park in Dominica led by a group of community organizations
The leading organizations of this project, the Tan Tan Village Development Corporation, Portsmouth Fisheries Cooperative Society, Toucarie Beach Development Corporation, Portsmouth Association of Yacht Services, Cottage Village Council, Portsmouth Town Council, Dominica Air and Sea and Port Authority, Fisheries Division, Global Environment Facility are proud to announce the commencement of the Cabrits National Park Marine Section. <summary>
St. Kitts and Nevis
Establishment of two Marine Managed Areas (The Narrows Marine Reserve and The Narrows Fishing Priority Area) in St. Kitts and Nevis"
Establishing the Narrows Marine Reserve is a critical measure to afford special protection to the flora and fauna within the area and to help ensure that the natural breeding grounds and habitats of the Narrows will be protected and preserved to allow for the natural regeneration of aquatic life, including the replenishment of commercially important marine species such as Lobster (Panulirus argus), Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) and a variety of herbivorous fish. Effective enforcement of fisheries regulations in the NMR, which up to now has been almost nonexistent, will allow for the protection of marine species and allow for key juvenile species to mature and reproduce so that there is adequate restocking of target species. Establishing the Narrows Fishing Priority Area will delineate an area for the implementation of special measures to ensure that authorized fishing is not impeded or otherwise interfered with. The Department of Marine Resources will focus efforts to establish Fish Aggregating Devices <summary>
St. Lucia
Strengthening of the Pointe Sable Environmental Protection Area along the South-East Coast of Saint Lucia
The Saint Lucia National Trust (SLNT), in conjunction with the Government of Saint Lucia through the Department of Fisheries, is pleased to announce the commencement of implementation of the first phase of the Project'Strengthening of the Pointe Sable Environmental Protection Area along the South-East Coast of Saint Lucia'. This Project is part of a wider capacity building initiative for marine protected areas managementin the OECS administeredby the UNEP-CEPSpecially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) Program and its Regional Activity Center (SPAW-RAC) and the Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Management Network (CaMPAM). The initiative falls under the project 'Climate Resilient Eastern Caribbean Marine Managed Areas Network (ECMMAN)' led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). <summary>
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Strengthening management capacity at the South Coast Marine Conservation Area (SCMCA) and the Tobago Cays Marine Park (TCMP) in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG)
The project directly helps to protect biological resources and their habitats within the two focal MPA's through the implementation of a comprehensive water quality monitoring program, improvements to the enforcement capabilities of rangers and a targeted enforcement related to public awareness and education. In addition, MMA staff will be trained to acquire the skills to effectively manage the marine protected areas. In addition, the re-assessment of MPA gaps will be conducted to assist government towards reaching their commitment with the Caribbean Challenge Initiative.. <summary>